√ BBC News - South East Asia's Mekong tigers 'face extinction'
A sub-species of tiger in Asia's Greater Mekong region is facing extinction unless decisive action is taken to protect it, WWF says. The environmental organisation ...The Extinction of the Caspian Tiger
The Extinction of the Caspian Tiger . Yesterday or tomorrow? - A lesson for Humanity. Depending on whom you believe, the last Caspian tiger was ...Endangered Tigers
One of the most majestic animals of all time, the tiger is on the brink of extinction. They have been rampantly hunted for various reasons ranging from ...
Extinction of tigers - India — Presentation Transcript. TRUTH ABOUT TIGERS THE TRUTH ABOUT TIGERS; The Tiger- The Basics Easily recognized by its coat of reddish ...
Amur (Siberian) Tiger. Scientific name: Panthera tigris altaica . IUCN Listing: Endangered. Habitat: Coniferous, scrub oak and birch woodlands. Location: Primarily ...
Tigers could become extinct in the wild in less than a generation, the World Wildlife Fund warned Wednesday as it launched a campaign to save them. The number of ...
Only 1411 Tigers are left in India The National animal (Tiger) is at the verge of extinction before it becomes a passe’, we need to save the Tigers.
Just 3,200 tigers are thought to be left in the wild. WWF is organizing a global campaign, Tx2, to pull the animals back from the brink of extinction.
The Caspian tiger was forced into extinction in the 1970's. And the Javan tiger followed in the 1980's. The number of tigers in the 1900's --over 100,000 ...
Legendary symbol of wild Asia, the tiger now stands at the brink of extinction. Come eye-to-eye with this giant cat, and find out ...
Unless poaching for body parts is stopped, Indonesia's Sumatran tiger could be the first large predator to become extinct this century, according to a ...
DOHA, Qatar — The world has "failed miserably" at protecting tigers in the wild, bringing an animal that is a symbol for many cultures and religions to ...
You will wonder by knowing the fact that the number of tigers left in India is merely 1411 which was 40000 at the start of 20th century. Within the first m
When television advertisements pressed the panic button by announcing that only 1,411 Indian tigers are left in the wild, fears of extinction of Indian tigers gripped ...
Report As Tigers Near Extinction, A Last-Ditch Strategy Emerges In the past century, populations of wild tigers have plummeted from 100,000 to 3,500.
A web page from The Extinction Website with a species profile of the extinct Bali Tiger (Panthera tigris balica).