What Tigers Eat

What do Sabertooth Tigers Eat? - Answers.Ask
corlis: Sabertooth tigers eat just what you would think they would eat, meat. They are carnivores so they do tend to eat larger prey because they are bigger animals.What do tigers eat? - Yahoo UK and Ireland Answers
Best Answer: Tigers hunt alone and eat primarily medium to large sized herbivores. Examples of locally important prey items include sambar deer, wild pigs ...What do Siberian Tigers Eat? - Answers.Ask
hairstoncindy: Siberian tigers are carnivores like all tigers. Siberian tigers hunt for big game animals like deer and wild boars. They will also eat fish and mice if ...
what tigers eat
What Do Tigers Eat | Interesting Animals
All about 'what do tigers eat?' Many people around the world seek to answer the question 'what do tigers eat?' Some people are tempted to believe that White Siberian ...
what tigers eat
What do siberian tigers eat? - Siberian tiger facts - Habitat of ...
What do siberian tigers eat? - Siberian tiger facts - Habitat of siberian tiger :The Siberian tigers are one of the five kinds of tigers and are found mainly in Siberia.
what tigers eat
What do Tigers Eat? What eats Tigers? - Yahoo7 Answers
Best Answer: tigers eat anything, the man eaters in bengal are so called because they've killed and eaten man. so i think tigers eat about everything ...
what tigers eat
What Do Tigers Eat | Scienceray
What foods do tigers eat. ... Tigers are carnivores. That means they eat meat. They are a predator and hunt prey animals with their speed, teeth and claws.
what tigers eat
What Do Bengal Tigers Eat? | Ask Jeeves
The Bengal tiger has a magnificent appearance. The coat colour of this wildcat is reddish orange with narrow black, gray or brown stripes, generally in a vertical ...
what tigers eat
What do white bengal tigers eat??....? - Yahoo Answers
Best Answer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengal_Tige… http://animals.nationalgeographic/an… http://www.geocities/plecoboy88/tige… Hope this ...
what tigers eat
What do Tigers Eat | Ask Kids Answers - AskKids Answers | Askkids
Tigers are known to eat a variety of animals. These animals will eat deer, antelope and other even fish. Tigers sleep most of the day and...
what tigers eat
What Tigers Eat | Ask Kids Answers - AskKids Answers | Askkids
Tigers are carnivores. They will attack and eat large animals such as antelope, deer, boars and yak. They will also eat smaller animals...
what tigers eat
What Do Lions and Tigers Eat in the Zoo? - Yahoo Voices - voices ...
Zoo questions answered by a zookeeper. ... What Do Lions and Tigers Eat in the Zoo? Captive Big Cat Diets
what tigers eat
what tigers eat
what tigers eat
what tigers eat